Fyde Resources

Taking GDPR to the next level: Fyde protects, not collects your personal data

Written by Luísa Lima, Co-Founder & VP Engineering | Jan 15, 2019 7:57:24 PM

GDPR. I know, another acronym to figure out. The General Data Protection Regulation is an effort by the European Union to protect the privacy rights of its citizens.  Definitely an admirable goal. It’s clear from the scrambling and deluge of privacy policy change emails I’ve received recently, that many companies needed to mend their ways when it comes to protecting personal and private information. We won’t make the mistake of exposing your data while supposedly protecting it: we can’t, since we don’t have any personal data on any of our users.

At Fyde, we believe that security does not mean compromised privacy. In fact, we built our software specifically to respect privacy while stamping out the largest security threat—phishing. What does that mean for you?  Revolutionary VPN technology that doesn’t spy on you, the least data collection of any solution on the market, and a business model that prizes the customer over the dollar. We are serious. Our security exceeds the GDPR standard for all of our customers, worldwide.

Protection without prying. Not your Typical VPN

The term VPN tends to divide a crowd. Your corporate security types will tell you it’s the only safe way to access company data outside of the perimeter.  What they don’t tell you is that your employer can see all the traffic that goes to your device while you’re connected to the VPN. That works for the company, but not for the employee.  What about those VPNs touted on the app store for personal security? Same story, different source. In this scenario, the VPN vendor is able to view all your data if it so desires.

Fyde flips this model on its head and puts you, the individual, first. When you see the Fyde VPN icon on your mobile device, it’s a sign that the app is working to inspect the traffic flowing to your device for malicious acts like phishing, smishing and the like.  We do this locally, on your device. What does this mean for you? Turns out local is good for food and security. Local inspection means that none of your personal information, browsing history, or messages leave your device.  No one on the Fyde team has access to any identifiable information about you or your internet usage.

Your device is your business. Its security is ours.  Fyde protects your identity without compromising your privacy.

Data We Do Not Collect

If you shop online, subscribe to media, or use cloud or SaaS services, like entertainment streaming, you likely have an inbox stuffed with notices of privacy policy changes. It can be confusing to sift through all the legalese and determine what changes apply to you.  We have an extensive policy which you can read here. However, it’s easier to tell you what data we don’t collect.  You can rest easy when using Fyde, but you might want to dig a little deeper with some of your other apps, especially the social media ones.

Here's the lowdown. We don’t collect or track:

·     The websites you visit

·     Your email address (except to respond to support requests)

·     Your contacts

·      Any kind of personal data

And, most importantly, we don't know who you are. 

Community-sourced Threat Data Keeps Fyde Free

We believe that everyone deserves to feel confident while living in the app-driven world. That’s why Fyde is free for consumers.  How can we do it? We use anonymized threat information to identify new attack trends and malicious websites to continually evolve the Fyde app. Combined with our patent-pending machine learning technology and our team of security experts, this threat data keeps us -- and you -- one step ahead of attackers. We believe we’re all in this together and we’re proud to do our part to eradicate phishing and other fraud-based attacks.

We understand that you want to protect what’s most important to you: your business, your privacy, your life. Fyde is security for life.